GBFans is THE hub for the Ghostbusters community.
Featuring a wealth of knowledge across its many pages filled with reference and detailed information on every aspect of the Ghostbusters franchise.

The GBFans forum, located on the site is the crucible for Ghostbusters fandom as we know it.
Having fostered a true community atmosphere , built on the foundation of the free sharing of information on the original screen used Ghostbusters props and has given everyone from the casual fan to the hyper detail focused accuracy nut a place to express their fandom and engage with like minded people.
The forums also feature a classified section which has historically been the best place to buy and sell all manner of prop related items such as rare found parts, used on the original props to high end replica pieces.
This remains the case to this day.

GBfans also features its own robust shop, offering found parts and extremely high end items which the owner has had manufactured to exacting standards for use on your own replica prop builds.
As well as Ghostbusters merchandise and much more.


The Black Firehouse Podcast